Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Thing #20 - Videos in the Classroom.

I do love TeacherTube. I like the idea of recording the lesson as shown in the video below for the classroom website (or blog or wiki) and also as another resource for students who are absent or homebound. You don't have to post EVERY lesson, just the main important ones. I've seen other posting about Blinx ? I went and checked it out and there are some cool Algebra 1 videos. I used some videos last year from UnitedStreaming. The kids really like them. I guess if I don't find one on the topic I need, I could just create one! OOOO that is very very scary.


Karen said...

I'm ready to help you create some videos. I think this is a tool you could have so much fun with!

Jennifer said...

HELP AWAY! I would love to create a math video. I'd like a podcast similar to yours that is a "general overview" of the 8th grade math program. Then start expanding to actually lessons.