Sunday, February 3, 2008

Thing #8 - RSS Feeds & Readers

I use Google Reader already and have several blogs attached to it.

What I like best is that you don't have to go to each site individually each day. You can just open your reader! It's like having someone go through the paper and cut out just the important stories you are interested in. I think it also works similar to a catalog of blogs with tags on your favorite pages.

I'd like to organize my reader to have personal sites that help me be more efficient in daily living and then professional sites that link me to other teachers for sharing ideas, etc. I have limited time, so really the best advantage for me is "one-stop reading".

I have added a few user blogs and the main library2play blog to my reader. Then I don't have to search for my favorites.

1 comment:

VWB said...

sounds like you are already putting those organizational skills to good use with your reader and its folders!

be sure and go comment on some of the blogs you read